Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia berlokasi Kawasan Ngoro Industri Persada Bl O13Ngoro NGORO INDUSTRI 61385 Indonesia Perusahaan ini berkecimpung dalam aktivitas bisnis Seni dan Kerajinan Tangan Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia berlokasi
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As per our global import database PTKIM LIONG KERAMIK INDONESIA made total import shipments with a total import value of 26976 in 2021 Top Import Markets or Countries China26976 USD Major Import Product Category along with HS Code Under HSN Code 25261000 Product Description Others
Pt kim liong keramik indonesia is an Importer in Indonesia We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product Price Quantity HS code Ports and suppliers Import data is collected through Govt sources port authorities and shipping line companies We provide complete insight about every importer
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Pt. Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia
Keramikkeramik di PT Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia cocok untuk digunakan untuk lantai kamar mandi garasi dinding dapur keramik ruang tamu hingga keramik untuk teras Terdapat beberapa ukuran mulai dari keramik ukuran 40x40 60x60 hingga lebih besarnya lagi
View PT Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia in Indonesia with business number 90428 Access company information on their incorporation details similar companies shareholders directors and more
Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia PT Blok O13 Kawasan Ngoro Industri Persada Jasem Ngoro Mojokerto Jawa Timur 61385 Indonesia Kota Mojokerto Jawa Timur 61385 Petunjuk Arah Telepon 0321 617890 Google Maps Kunjungi Edit Sunting atau Hapus
Pt Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia Company Profile Volzacom
Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia berlokasi Shelter Nusa Indah Facebook
PT KIM LIONG KERAMIK INDUSTRI CERAMIC INDUSTRY NGORO INDUSTRI PERSADA BLOK O NO 13 MOJOKERTO PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk 20 km Pt Maspion Unit II 21 km PT Platinum Ceramics Industry Plant 3 21 km PT Santos Jaya Abadi 23 km tambang sirtu Wotanmas Jedong 06 km
Pt. Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia
Pt kim liong keramik indonesia Indonesia Trade Data
PT KIM LIONG KERAMIK INDUSTRI Kabupaten Mojokerto Wikimapia
PT KIM LIONG KERAMIK INDONESIA Import Data Export Data Customs
Pt Kim Liong Keramik Indonesias company profile with key decision makers phone email Linkedin buyers products price suppliers from export import shipments
PT KIM LIONG KERAMIK INDONESIA was included in the global trader database of NBD Trade Data on20201202 It is the first time for PT KIM LIONG KERAMIK INDONESIA to appear in the customs data of theINDONESIA and at present NBD Customs Data system has included 3 customs import and export records related to it and among the trade partners of PT
Kim Liong Keramik Indonesia PT 0321 617890 Kota Mojokerto SemuaBis